Since the final goal of this aspiration is to go 48 hours without having a negative emotion, being cheerful by nature helps. The best traits for the inner peace aspiration are:Ĭheerful is a good choice because it causes your Sim to become happy more often. But one thing is for certain, all fees at Spas are waived! Nice! Best Traits for Inner Peace Nobody is really sure where it came from, how to cancel it, or who keeps paying for it each month. Sims with this trait have come into possession of a spa membership.

The bonus trait for this aspiration is “Spa Membership.” According to the trait description: Although true harmony is sometimes ephemeral, what’s important is developing tools to help mitigate negative emotions.

This Sim is on a quest to achieve Inner Peace. It’s all about keeping emotions in check – which can be very difficult! It focuses on finding true harmony through wellness.

The Sims 4 Inner Peace aspiration was added in the recent Spa Day Game Pack refresh.